Happy birthday to Megan!!!
She had a fun birthday. I took a cupcake cake to school(carebears)and some juices. When she went through the breakfast line the ladies saw her shirt and told her to come back at lunch time. The kids get a birthday cake from the snackbar. I forgot to take my camera this morning because we were running late. I made her a shirt to wear. Everyone at school thought it was so cute.
I need a drink
Tracie decided to move in with our Aunt Chris. My cousin and his little girl just moved back in with her last weekend. I asked Tracie if she thought it was fair to add to the stress of their house and she didn't think it added to it at all. "They asked us to move in" She's asked us a hundred times but you don't see me taking her up on it. It's not just Tracie and Carson it's also James. Yep, people must be smokin crack. He knocked my sister out and they just want to help him. Give me a fucking break. Why does this piss me off so much? Is it because she just moved in here and I had a small amount of help? Why am I so jealous? Maybe because things will work out perfectly for them? Oh, did I forget to mention they are living in the bathroom under the house? Now this is a larger bathroom with a bed in it, but it's still 3 people in there. She was supposed to be here when Jared has surgery to help out. Sure mom will be here, but Megan doesn't really know my mom. Oh well, Tracie just argued with her(Megan)all day anyway. sigh I wonder when we'll get the car. Hopefully we will get it in the next week or so so I can use it when Jared goes into the hospital. Right now Robby is dropping us off at school at 7:10 because he has to be at work by 8am. We have to wait outside the school until 7:20. Thank goodness the weather is nicer these days. Meg and I usually catch a ride home with another of the volunteers or walk. Tonight is an award ceremony for all the volunteers in the district that have a certain number of hours. I have to go alone because my sister won't be here to watch the kids so Robby can go with me. She is suppose to be here to pick up her stuff. fuck me
This and that
It's been a while. Megan and I just looked at some letter cards. One side has a picture and the other has the letter. She knows all her letter sounds and she knew the letter the picture started with. She's reading quite a few of the pre-k sight words and a few of the kindy words. We have been reading Frog and Toad together and she does very well. I accidentally knocked her on the forehead with a chair yesterday. She's gone almost 5 years w/out a goose egg on her face and I screw it all up. I felt so bad and the poor thing just cried. Not 30 minutes later she was tossing her little chair around and bonked herself on the nose and it started to bleed. What a day. Oh, she can tie her shoes all by herself. They don't stay tied for long, but she has the steps down.
Jared is having surgery on May 12. We check in to Shriners on May 10. The cleanout takes about 2 days. He won't have food for the 2 days before and several days after. My mom is coming to help with Megan and take turns sleeping at the hospital w/Jared. I'm afraid Megan won't take me being away for so long very well. I talked to her teacher and they are going to talk about it a few days before we go. She knows much better than I am how to talk to her about this.
My sister is staying here w/us for a while. So is my nephew Carson. He's 4. I think he's too babyish. He cries for his "blankie" and "can I have some drink?" She lets him eat ice cream for breakfast and drink as many juices as he wants. My kids are limited to one juice a day and one yogurt or pudding. He leaves my fridge open most of the day eating all the grapes and carrots. He is a sweetie and I love him. We all are adjusting and I know he's going through a tough time.
Robby started a new job. It's still with Xerox, but at a different location. The company is TXU. I think that's a new power company here in TX. It's closer and they are hiring him on and giving him benefits!!! I'm not too sure how he likes it yet. He has the option of moving back to HP if he wants to.
What about me? I am moving my application for the school through the processes. I have my 3 refrences done. 2 were by the teachers I volunteer with and the 3rd was the principal!!! I asked her if she could/would/should and she said she almost never does them, but she would for me because she has known me for 3 years. The last thing I need to do is send off for my GED certificate. It will take 3 weeks to get back. I told Mrs Navel it was coming so she could pull my app when she figures out what positions are opening up. We have a new school in the district so a lot of teachers and paraprofessionals are moving around. Close to 800 students will be leaving the school. I need all fingers crossed for me. I think that's all for now.