Saturday, August 06, 2005

Mrs. Bridget Lenett D****

I got my drivers license yesterday. I should add it was 2 years expired. Oops. My new name is offical a year later. I like to put thigs off. Work is cool. The doc is nice and most of th epeople are very friendly. I must say it's a lot easier than waiting tables. It's funny because we have regualrs just like at a bar. Fridays are a little hectic because I have to remember to fax everything over to the billing company and take the weeks checks to the bank.
Megan got a haircut. I'll have to take some pics of her later. It's all gone. After the lady cut it the first time she said nope not like a boy yet so she cut it shorter. It's a little bob just above her sholders. It took some time to grow on us, but now I think it's really cute on her.
The kids are ready for school. I guess I am too. sigh. Jared will be 8 in less than a month. Where did that time go?


At 10:39 AM, Blogger Wilson Clan said...

I have no idea where it goes, but when you figure it out..let me know.. I want a few years back.. lol

J is 15. He has his first job! wow, time just flies..

You are a bigger procrasinator then me.. wow girl 2 yrs expired? glad it's all done now..

Did i ever tell you I didn't get my license until I was like 20?

At 2:44 PM, Blogger Motherhen said...

I want to slow down time. I want to see the haircut too! Glad to hear the job is good. I didn't change my name on my license, healthcard, etc until I was about to have Patrick (we had been married 16 months by then).

At 1:25 AM, Blogger Sam said...

Yes it just goes too fast doesnt it. Jared, wow I remember when He was 4. Sigh.
I really want to see Megans haircut, show us show us.
Hey and gee lady on waiting so long for your drivers licence, but yay you got it now and thats all that matters.
Glad you are still liking the job.

At 11:31 PM, Blogger Beth said...

Hmm..what possessed M to want to get her hair cut?? How ABOUT some pics? Yeah, I know, *I'M* one to talk, lol.


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