Thursday, June 02, 2005

Star Wars Undies

Jared is wearing big boy undies during the day!!! This is huge!!! They took the cath out of his stoma today and they showed me how to insert a cath in to do his MACE. Now we're tinkering with the MACE schedule. I'm trying every other night.
Mom is staying at least another month. Maybe forever. She has been such a huge help with Megan. I don't have to drag her to Jared's appointments.
We get the car this weekend. We won't be trapped at home while Robby is at work anymore!!!
I had a migraine earlier today and the only thing I had to take was Tylenol 3. It worked and then some.


At 11:10 PM, Blogger Motherhen said...

Congrats on the Undies! That is big stuff. You are lucky that you have your mom there to help! Send her my way when you don't need her anymore!! Please?

At 1:48 AM, Blogger Sam said...

Way to Go, I bet Jared is really pleased about that. Hopefully you guys will settle into a nice schedule for him. Wonderful about your Mom staying, I wish I had that helping hand. You are blessed and Woohoo ref the car.
Hugs on the Migraine too, Nasty things.


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