Jared is scheduled for surgery
7 weeks from yesterday. He's getting the Monty and bladder augmentation. What does that all mean? Well in short they take some intestines and enlarge his bladder so it holds more. Right now it only holds about 240 cc which ain't that much. Then they clamp off his urethera and make a new stoma from his bladder to his belly button and he'll cath that way. It's a long healing process and he'll come home with tubes for several weeks. He will probably miss about 3 weeks of school, but he's ready to do this. I don't feel as nervous as I have in the past. He's had 6 surgeries and is a tough kid. I might change my mind the few days before. We'll see.My cousin Amy got married again. Her wedding was so nice. And the reception was OMG. The open bar was a plus too;) This is our family picture with a stand in for Megan because she refused to be in the picture. The little girl's mom thought it was hillarous.

The view from the 43rd floor where the reception took place.

And at night.
My friend Jennifer is pregnant with twins. She found out they are both girls. Her triplets are 10 2 boys and a girl. Her Tobey is Jared's best friend. He has SB too. Jennifer is single and has gotten pregnant though insimenation both times. She is a great mother and loves her kids!!! Maybe she will give me her van when she trades up to the 15 passanger one;)
The week Jared was at camp Megan went to work with me. I think she hardly worked;)

And we took her to monster beer night at Franknsteins our local sports bar

I also got laid off a few weeks ago. I am waiting for my unemployment while I look for a new job, but with Jared having surgery in 7 weeks it might not be a good idea because I will be at home taking care of him.
My friend Sherra had a baby boy. I waited outside the door and heard his first cry. Amazing. He is a very pretty baby named Milo.

That's Milo with my friend Julie holding him.