I'm alive
Jared's b-day was a blast. We took him and his cousins and a friend bowling at Jillian's. Let me say thank God for Zoloft. I would have died in that place before I started taking it. Megan is having the most excellent time in Kindy. E's everyday and her 1st progress report was all E's. Writes her name correctly and can count 20+(to 10 is required)and can write 20+(to 20 is required) She wakes up with a smile on her face and gets ready to go. I think it has something to do with me being a little more sane. She even goes to bed before 8 most nights. I love my 5 year old. Jared is being 8. His stoma and scar are so beautiful. I need to post pictures. Here are some pictures from his party.