Saturday, February 25, 2006

That was bad

I hope I don't get dooced.
So here's the skinny work is cool. Robby and I are cool. The kids are cool, but I am under the impression Jared wants me to kill him. He hates me in the morning. Why can't we get from home to school or vice versa without someone starting shit in the car? I HATE THE CAR!!! The ball was fun. I looked good I think. My hair was a little dark and I wore red and didn't die. Image hosting by PhotobucketRobby wore a tie and jacket!!! The kids both got report cards from the new school. I was sure Jared would have gotten a C, but by the grace of God he got all A's and B's. That was close. He just went through some testing and we have an ARD in a few weeks to set a new IEP.
Baby Kitty ran away last weekend. I was sad:( Robby jumped the back fence and found him for me!!!! He's a little dirty and skinny, but not for long. I need to take Wendy Darling to get her new shots and her butt scrapped. The highlight of my week.
My oldest friend from middle school came down last weekend. We drank a lot. She and Robby use to ya know? She is getting a divorce and her new boyfriend came with her. He is nice from what I remember. Robby and I went to My Life With the Thrill Kill Kult. That was fun. I try to see them everytime they come to Houston. How to put a song on this thing? Wow that is a lot from me. Anything else? Oh my sister and James are no more. She threw his ass out and he came and took all their funriture. My sister already has a new boyfriend. His name is Ink? I guess he's a biker dude. Doesn't take her long. She can never be without sex for long. I am keeping Carson tonight. He is so sweet I love him!!!! I guess that's all. Image hosting by Photobucket

things that bug me part 1

Asking me what's for dinner while I'm cooking. You will see what's for dinner in a few minutes and you can decide when it's done if you like it or not.
Leaving the bathroom counter a mess. I'm tired of cleaning it up and unplugging the hair dryer everystinkin day.
ICE TRAYS need I say more? My husband has finally broken me of my habbit of dumping and not refilling. I refill now can't you?
Leaving you windows account logged in so you can check every 21/2 minutes if you have a new message. If you need to go potty or grab a drink that's cool, but not if you are going to watch TV or take a shower get dressed and eat. LOGOFF DAMMIT I don't want to come to use the computer and see a "hey sexy" message from you "friends"
I love you I really truely do love you.