And then there were two
Both of Wendy's ears are now up. I guess she's aChihuahua after all. She's kinda funny looking, but I don't care. She's got a few fleas so she now owns a flea collar. I don't want to start the expensive stuff until I know this won't work first. Her ear mites are gone thanks to $50 in labs and drops. They do sell mite drops at Kroger for less that $10 BTW. Why didn't they tell me that at the vet? I also had her nails clipped and the girl showed me how to do it. I bought a pair of clippers so I don't have to shell out $8 every 2-3 weeks. Puppies are expensive!!! At least she's still working on the same bag of Puppy Chow. I don't htink we'll be out of dog food until she's 6 months.
Megan is doing better. Not one time-out yesterday. I can't believe it. I just tell her I can't reward her when she's not being her best. We went out to eat after I picked up daddy from work and she sat and ate her food. We almost lost it when I told her she couldn't play a video game. I know I'm mean, but I'm not shelling out $1 for 30 seconds of game time. She did pee in my bed last night. I had to change the sheets at 2am. Poor baby.
Jared is doing a little better at school. They just need to teach math like they used to. He has a problem with directions. I'm getting worried with report cards coming out when we go back after Spring Break. Hopefully it will be all A's and B's.
well why don't we see a pic of wendy's two ears sticking up? HUH?
glad megan is doing better. you are a good mommy!
The report cards will be fine! he's a good boy!
I once had a boxer mix with floppy ears, we never clipped them. She did looks silly but we loved playing with her floppy ears. :o)
They are expensive though, reminds me I have to call the vet about my cats. Ugh.
YAY for no time-outs. You're great mom, very diplomatic it sounds like. I am struggling with that because I'm so fed up all I want to do is snap at them. lol
I so agree with you on the math. They don't teach proper math anymore..its 'fuzzy' math and basically what it is as a lot of word story problems. It's ridulous.
My kids aren't very good in math as it is, but ADHD kids are notrious for having problems with problem solving stories. So they are really struggling with this math program they have.
The 'real life' (as they call it) math S has crazy. A lot of kids that struggle with reading are also doing poorly in the math here, and some are trying to get the district to change it soon.
I hope the reports are good too!
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