The night started off okay
Megan had 2 time-outs last night. One right before dinner and another one during. She didn't want to eat her oatmeal for breakfast(she asked for it)so I kept it for her for lunch. Didn't want to eat lunch so quess what was for dinner? Oatmeal. She was very pissed she wasn't having what we were. Pork chops, mac n cheese, veggies and I told her after she finished her breakfast she could have all of those. Well it took her some time, but she did finish and finished the plate I made her of the real dinner. Bedtine was awful. I had to put her to bed and shut the door with her screaming. Haven't done that in a long time. She turned on her lamp and I didn't hear from her until 4am when she crawled into bed with us. She woke up when Robby left, but thankfully she went back to sleep until jsut a few minutes ago. I knew she was tired. Here she is last night in the crate. That's why she got in trouble, for giving the dog treats. I told her she had enough.

She even ate one of the treats. LOL
ROFL, I have the same pictures of Kira and Puck waiting for me to resize them for the internet. Fun. Kira keeps stealing Puck's food too. The funniest part was that last night she had a dog biscuit in her mouth, and walked over to Matt and "shared" it. He didn't know what she was putting in at first.
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