Today was award day at the school. Megan got 2. Yea!!!
She didn't see me sitting right next to her. I stayed in her class after and helped her with her handwriting. I swear she's going to be a doctor one day. I talked with her teacher a bit about her(megan's)30 kids. 20 boys and 10 girls. They all have names like computer and made up sounds. They go most places with her and something they get in trouble. Not like her getting in trouble and blaming it on them, they just get into trouble with her. She doesn't talk about them to many people. Robby and my mom just found out about them the other day from me. Anywho Megan's teacher said she is going to suggest her for gifted testing this year. I don't know if I want her to be in gifted classes or labeled just yet but it will be nice to see what the tests say about her.

Can she really be gifted with a face like this?

She made a teepee the orher day for one of her kitties. I think it's cool.

At Six Flags Astroworld after one of the water rides. I'm happy she got to go before it closed.

rashguards? good grief, what next.
WTG, Megan!!! Looking forward to hearing those test results. It's good to have lots of friends. ;)
Yay finally you posted HEEHEE.
Wow on Megan, thats very interesing ref the friends thing. 30 wow thats a lot. Yes it will be interesting to see the results of the test. The teacher must be seeing some other things to suggest it I reckon.
Keep us updated. Love all your pics as usual.
She's such a great kid! Beautiful, funny and intelligent.
girls rashguards? I hate stupid idiot spammers..
LOVE THE PICS. It's about damn time! (OK, lately I'm not one to talk.. I know) I'm so glad you did get to go to astroworld after all.. what a bummer it's closing.
Congrats on the awards@ YAY for girls kicking ass at school!!
Oh, as usual, I love the pics & the teepee is fabulous! Where ya been, girl?
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