Easter 2005
Megan's class had a little Easter Egg hunt on Thursady. Those kids are so cute. I wish they could all be in the same Kindy class with the same teacher they have now. Ms. Barnes is so great with them.

Megan and a friend looking for their eggs

I found one

Most of the class, Megan isn't even looking

Megan and Ms. Barnes
Easter with the Brothers family

Megan freezing. She insisted on wearing the dress and sandals I got her to wear. It was in the 80's the day before, but a front came in that night.

Jared looking for eggs

A few of my cousins and a second cousin. The other one is 2 and ran off.

Bunny Ears

Jared, Averyelle, and Megan stuffing her face with a chocolate bunny

Megan in a no pictures phase

Averyelle and Jared
The night started off okay
Megan had 2 time-outs last night. One right before dinner and another one during. She didn't want to eat her oatmeal for breakfast(she asked for it)so I kept it for her for lunch. Didn't want to eat lunch so quess what was for dinner? Oatmeal. She was very pissed she wasn't having what we were. Pork chops, mac n cheese, veggies and I told her after she finished her breakfast she could have all of those. Well it took her some time, but she did finish and finished the plate I made her of the real dinner. Bedtine was awful. I had to put her to bed and shut the door with her screaming. Haven't done that in a long time. She turned on her lamp and I didn't hear from her until 4am when she crawled into bed with us. She woke up when Robby left, but thankfully she went back to sleep until jsut a few minutes ago. I knew she was tired. Here she is last night in the crate. That's why she got in trouble, for giving the dog treats. I told her she had enough.

She even ate one of the treats. LOL
Puppy pics, kid pics

Here she is:)

Jared at my nephew's 4th b-day party

Megan before we left for the party

Megan at the party. Her hair is so short.

Happy b-day Carson!!! He was pissed his cars were on the cake.

My nephew Keithen

My niece Allicia

Megan at my cousin's 4th b-day party. We have 3 4yos until Megan turns 5 next month
We have made it 3 days with no time out. We have left 2 b-day parties without a meltdown. I just tell her I can't reward her if she doesn't act right. It works. She is actually asking for things and not screaming at me and I am actually letting her do more(can she be more independant than this?) We are getting along nicely. Jared wants to take Karate. I need to find out where and how much.
And then there were two
Both of Wendy's ears are now up. I guess she's a
Chihuahua after all. She's kinda funny looking, but I don't care. She's got a few fleas so she now owns a flea collar. I don't want to start the expensive stuff until I know this won't work first. Her ear mites are gone thanks to $50 in labs and drops. They do sell mite drops at Kroger for less that $10 BTW. Why didn't they tell me that at the vet? I also had her nails clipped and the girl showed me how to do it. I bought a pair of clippers so I don't have to shell out $8 every 2-3 weeks. Puppies are expensive!!! At least she's still working on the same bag of Puppy Chow. I don't htink we'll be out of dog food until she's 6 months.
Megan is doing better. Not one time-out yesterday. I can't believe it. I just tell her I can't reward her when she's not being her best. We went out to eat after I picked up daddy from work and she sat and ate her food. We almost lost it when I told her she couldn't play a video game. I know I'm mean, but I'm not shelling out $1 for 30 seconds of game time. She did pee in my bed last night. I had to change the sheets at 2am. Poor baby.
Jared is doing a little better at school. They just need to teach math like they used to. He has a problem with directions. I'm getting worried with report cards coming out when we go back after Spring Break. Hopefully it will be all A's and B's.