She's here
Wendy Duzan is home

She's the one on the left. What a good puppy we have. She goes out to tinkle right when she wakes up and makes bears right after she eats. She's only had one poop accident on the floor and 3 pee ones. Her puddles are so tiny(size of a quarter)you don't see them until you walk into them. I can't wait for her to sleep through the night;) Megan is very posessive of her and needs to learn to back off and let her sleep, play, eat, pee, poop, breathe. LOL Jared just loves her and Robby does too. I'll take some better pictures of her later when she wakes up. Oh, I bought her a kitty bell for her collar so we don't lose her. She's about the size of a coke can.
Oh my, I'm in love. What kind of breed is she again? Your statement about sleeping through the night reminded of when I was 16 and pg with Josh, we got two puppies. One for us and one for my BIL. I remember that all night they were climbing all over us, chewing on our hair, whimpering, whining, needing to go outside, you know the drill. I remember thinking, "Oh my gosh, how am I going to handle a kid?" LOL I guess I managed..
P.S, how did you come up with her name?
Oh my gosh, nvm, I remember..LOL I guess I'm a little out of it lately..
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