Bubbles in the bedroom
I attended my first Passion Party this Saturday at my Aunt Chris' house. It was a hoot, I even won a prize!!! I'd like to say it was the best $70 Robby(hee hee)ever spent, but I haven't gotten my order yet. The lady that did the party was very informative and helpful. It was nice to be so open about sex with other ladies and not feel embarrased. Most of them had already been to a PP and filled me in on what was a good buy. Hearing Aunt Chris talk about sex does make me go ewwwwww. LOL I stayed the night and on Sunday I helped putty the walls so she could paint. The doggie hardly slept while I was gone and we took a nice nap together when I got home. She loves me:)
For perspective
I threw the coke can in to show how small she is.
Killing her Pooh, she really gets into his nose.
Just more pictures

I found her some mini tennis balls!!!
She's here
Wendy Duzan is home

She's the one on the left. What a good puppy we have. She goes out to tinkle right when she wakes up and makes bears right after she eats. She's only had one poop accident on the floor and 3 pee ones. Her puddles are so tiny(size of a quarter)you don't see them until you walk into them. I can't wait for her to sleep through the night;) Megan is very posessive of her and needs to learn to back off and let her sleep, play, eat, pee, poop, breathe. LOL Jared just loves her and Robby does too. I'll take some better pictures of her later when she wakes up. Oh, I bought her a kitty bell for her collar so we don't lose her. She's about the size of a coke can.
New baby
I talked to my aunt yesterday. Seems the momma dog quit nursing the puppies so they are ready earlier than expected. Aunt Chris picked up my baby this morning and I'll go get it from her tomorrow. I want to go as soon as Robby gets home tonight, but I will be home so late and I don't want to leave her alone on her first day at her new home tomorrow. I don't think she is quite 6 weeks yet. Jared has an awards ceremony(honor roll and citizenship)at 9:05 then we have to take him to see U/G at 11. Megan is going home with Britney. Maybe I can talk Robby into ditching work and we can pick her up(puppy)tomorrow after the appointment. Megan didn't get an award this semester thanks to the 3 N's in behavior. I made her a #1 little girl award and that made her feel better. I haven't checked my emails in a few days. Sorry Bitches. I see all of them there and I answered a few of them, but I can't seem to go through the bulk of them. My back is feeling better thanks to 2 days in bed with the shits. I still feel like crap(pun intended)and food just doesn't taste that great yet. What else? Oh, 2 of the kids I help in kindy got a BUG award. BUG stands for Bringing up grades. Ms Magee was talking about me to another K teacher and she now wants me to help in her class as well. I wish there were more parents to help out. Come on, I'm only 1 person. I'll be helping them with writing. I can't think of anything else so I'll end this now, but first some pictures of the kitties I tool last night.

Pepper in her favorite chair. Yes, she always sleeps like this.

Baby Kitty didn't like the flash too much.

Pepper started doing the shy pose.

Baby Kitty is such a sweet cat:)
2 weeks to go
Till we get the puppy. Her name will be Wendy as in Wendy from Peter Pan. Megan loves all PP movies. She wanted to name the puppy Tinker Bell, but Robby wouldn't let us. Think Paris Hilton. My back is hurting and I don't know why. It's right in between my shoulder blades. It hurts when I pick up a glass to take a drink. WTF? I can't think of anything I did to hurt it. Megan is in time out because she won't leave Jared alone. I know she wants attention, but she was going about it all wrong. After she comes out I'll play a game with her or something.
Coming to America

Last week one of my best friends because a resident of the USA. Louise has been here for 4 years. She had a little celebration at the sports bar she bartends at. I left at midnight and haven't heard a peep out of her since last night. She was a little tore up when I left. The picture was taken with my camera phone. The hat is one of the fun frames. Megan and I stayed home today. She didn't want to wake up and I didn't feel like pissing her off. She missed group picture and spring picture day. Oh well. I kept telling her one morning we weren't going to keep on her to wake up. The kids do have their own alarm clock, but Jared turns it off instead of hitting the snooze. He gets that from his daddy;)
Report card time
I am pleased to announce that my son made the all A honor roll again. He is such a great student and Robby and I are so proud of him. Megan recieved all S's and an E for knowledge of letters. It's broken down into Language Development, Knowledge and Thinking Skills, Physical Development, Work Habbits, and Social Development. Each one is broken down into more catagories, but I don't want to type all that out;) She did get 3 N's(needs improvement)in the following areas: cooperates with adults, uses self control, and respects the rights of others. The grades were in before the holiday and Ms. Barnes said she's already improving. Whew.
Jared is feeling much better today
He had a low fever this morning and was still a little groggy so I kept him home from school. He's having some mac and cheese and finished a bottle of Gatorade. Megan had a great day at school and got a :) Not a bad start to a new year. I had to pick up our comforter from the cleaners(it's been off the bed for months thatnks to Megan peeing on it)then Meg and I had lunch at McD's. I talked to Dr. Ritchey's nurse and she's going to give him a call this week to see what we shoud do from here.
Jared was in the ER last night
He woke up and ate breakfast yesterday, but started getting sick a few hours later. I figured it was another UTI. We had lunch at Aunt Chris' then came home to pack for the hospital. Robby dropped Jared and I off about 6pm and it was about 3 1/2 hours before we got into the room. At frist they put us in the hall, but I told them that would not work for cathing and she moved us to a room that had just opened up. It had a TV:) It was a long night and they sent us home this morning or was it still last night? I think it was 5am when I called Robby to come get us(getting dropped off/picked up saves $20 in parking fees). I had finally fallen asleep on the edge of Jared's bed. I didn't think it was a good idea to send him home because he was still running(and still is today)a high fever and vomiting. The doctor didn't think 104* was a high fever. I didn't think it was low. Robby is getting Jared's script and if he can't keep it down we'll be going back today. Why don't doctors read the chart or listen to us? This is the 3rd UTI in a month and the last one he had to be admitted for fluids and IV meds for 2 days.